Introduction to 3D Modeling and Post-Production is a survey course designed to cover the foundations of production pipelines through the practical application focus in 3D graphics and animation. Using Autodesk Maya and the Adobe Creative suite we will explore both technical and artistic approaches to 3D graphics creation as well as production pipeline theory and practice and how it all works together.
The concepts covered in this course are the foundation for many industries including...
Launch ModulePlanning resources, tools and workflows followed by the execution of the development...
Launch ModulePolygonal geometry is based on its fundamental building blocks. Polygonal Components are...
Launch ModuleObjects in the real world are not just shapes. Their color and texture help define how it...
Launch ModuleThe art of animation is all about creating the illusion of movement. However, before we can move...
Launch ModuleMovement in animation is time based, layered and dynamic. The way we control how our anim...
Launch ModuleThe art of lighting is rooted not only in creating the ability to see, but to see exactly what the artist...
Launch ModuleThe process of processing all calculations to produce the full quality frames of anim...
Launch ModuleBring together all of the layers of imagery and add final color correction and polish...
Launch ModuleAll final composited clips to be combined as well as any need transitions and sound...
Launch ModuleA final group project to allow you and a team to work together to complete aspects of the pipeline...
Launch ModuleThe circle icon on the top left corner of each module listed above indicates how many weeks (1, 2, or 4) each module spans.