Welcome to Animation III (Acting)!
In this class we will be continuing our exploration and refinement of the art, processes, and techniques of animation. Specifically we will be moving away from a focus on the technical aspects of animation and more on the performance. We will cover some basic principles of acting and techniques of facial animation, but beyond that we will be working on honing our ability to really make our characters come alive and evoke emotions in our viewers.
This week we are going to be kicking off the semester with basic introductions to the course, professor, tools and format. To begin please review the syllabus and if you like a brief instructor bio.
Syllabus Instructor BioAutodesk has changed the licensing process for educational institutions. I am unsure if your older licenses and installs of maya will continue to work or not. If so, you may continue using it as long as things still work for you. If it doesn't work or you want to upgrade to the latest version 2025. Follow the link to the instructions.
Maya Installation Instructions