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One-Person Dialog 2 Overview

Just like your first one-person dialog exercise from module 4 you will be doing the same thing again. This time you only have (** Begin Evil Laugh) 2 weeks for the whole process. Hahahahaha (** End Evil Laugh). Seriously this will be a good exercise in efficiency and focus to get it right quickly.

For this first week you will be doing the planning stage and blocking stage as well.

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Please download the collection of 3 audio clips (Dialog Collection 2) in the reference block on the right side of this page. Once unzipped please listen to each of the clips through until you decide on which one you would like to use. You will then complete the video reference exploration process as well as your timing notes and thumbnails and blocking pass. Please only turn in your blocking playblast and none of your planning stuff. Upload the playblast and submit it to Assignment 8 on UNM Learn by midnight next Sunday.

Todo List
  • Class Material

    Read and watch class materials for this module
  • Online Discussions

    Participate in online discussions on
    UNM Learn
  • Assignment

    Complete Assignment 8 and submit on
    UNM Learn