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  • Please choose your favorite animation from the semester from either of the 2 one-person dialog shots or the two-person dialog.
  • Open the RenderEnvironment scene file found in the resources sidebar on this page.
  • Import one of your chosen animations and adjust the camera, lights, etc. to setup your scene for render.
  • Render the shot out using the process outlined below.
  • Once complete submit your assignment in UNM Learn
  • Assignment is due by midnight on 5/9.
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Rendering Process

  • Open the scene file in Maya
  • Go to file > Import... to import your selected animation scene file
  • Set the start and end frame of your timeslider to make sure your entire animation can be seen
  • Move your the 'render_cam' so that your full animation can be viewed and framed the way you want within the green box in your main panel viewport. Play through your entire animation to ensure that your whole animated sequence will be framed properly.
  • hit 7 on the keyboard to activate hardware lighting. This will give you a basic idea of the lighting setup for your scene.
  • Make any adjustments you like to the ground plane and lights you would like. You can move the ground plane or rotate the lights to change their angle. Remember that keyLight is the main light that is the brightest and casts shadows. The fill light should essentially aimed in the oposite direction as the keyLight.
  • Change your Maya Menu set to Rendering by going to the dropdown box in the upper left of your maya interface and choosing "Rendering"
  • Test a few frame renders by going to the menus at the top
  • Render > Render Current Frame. You can hit escape on your keyboard to cancel a render in the middle if you like.
  • Once you are happy with the camera, lights and render samples you are ready to do a batch render. First we need to make some changes to the render settings
  • Window > Rendering Editors > Render Settings
  • In the common tab make the following adjustments
    • file name prefix -> enter a base file name for your output.
    • Image format -> Windows Bitmap
    • Frame/Animation ext -> name.#.ext
    • Frame padding -> 3
    • Start frame -> Your animation start frame number
    • End frame -> Your animation end frame number
    • Renderable Camera -> render_cam
    • !!! Note the path where the images will be rendered to at the top of this window below the common tab
    • Go to Render > Batch Render... to start your batch render of your frame sequence
    • Once it is completed you can view all of your final rendered frames in the location you noted from the render settings
    • compile these frames into a compressed h264 quicktime movie for submission.
Todo List
  • Class Material

    Read and watch class materials for this module
  • Online Discussions

    Participate in online discussions on
    UNM Learn
  • Assignment

    Complete Assignment 13 and submit on
    UNM Learn