Blocking Assignment

Before we get into blocking lets quickly look at how you work with sound in Maya for animation:

Working with Sound in Maya

For this weeks assignment you will be completing the blocking phase of your one-person dialog project. You put a lot of work into the planning stage last week so don't let it go to waste. Using your planning notes simply go through each frame number you listed and copy either the thumbnail sketch you created for it or the reference video if you are happy with it. For the blocking phase you can do some facial animation, but keep it simple.

Refresh what this should look like by revisiting this video from Body Mechanics:

Dialogue Shot Breakdown
Click on the image to view video clip

Once complete please create a playblast of your blocking pass (h264 mov format or avi) and submit to Assignment 4 on UNM Canvas by midnight next Friday

Todo List
  • Class Material

    Read and watch class materials for this module
  • Assignment

    Complete Assignment 4 and submit on
    UNM Canvas