Splining Assignment

for this weeks assignment you will be completing the splining phase of your two-person dialog project. HOWEVER... Before we get to splining our overall animation we need to complete our blocking phase for the faces. This is commonly known as blocking plus. For this portion you will be blocking out the facial dialog and poses from your facial notes. This is just as important as the blocking phase for the body. It provides you with the opportunity to quickly lay out the facial animation and ensure the timing is there without having to worry about how things transition in-between. DO THIS BEFORE SPLINING ANYTHING!!!

Once you move on to splining remember the focus of this phase is not just to set all the animation curves to spline, but to ensure that all keys that need to be sharp are sharp, all keys that need to hold are holding, all keys that need easing do so. You also need to ensure that the facial animation and dialog poses are starting to come together. We aren't looking for polish, but the character should definitely look like they are speaking the audio dialog correctly.

Refresh what this should look like by revisiting this video from Body Mechanics:

Dialogue Shot Breakdown
Click on the image to view video clip

Once complete please create a playblast of your splining pass (h264 mov format or avi) and submit to Assignment 12 on UNM Learn by midnight next Sunday

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