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This week we are going to begin our exploration of the art of modeling using polygons. Below you will find some videos that describe what polygons are, some of the common tools we have for working with polygons as well as a practical modeling example to show how you can use those tools to create models.

The videos will be covering more than just step-by-step processes for creating our alien character and his flying saucer. Within these videos I will be covering theory, practice and explanation. This rich information and example will show you how to operate the maya interface while modeling and take advantage of the various tools you have available to you.

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Polygon Modeling Basics

1) Polygon Components
2) Polygon Tools & Environment Setup

Polygon Modeling Tools

3) Extrude
4) Multi Cut
5) Insert Edge Loop
6) Merge
7) Append to Polygon
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1 Introduction

Alien Character Modeling

1 Body

2 Legs

3 Arms

4 Face

5 Head & Clean Up

6 Belt

Flying Saucer Modeling

8 Body

9 Dome

10 Body Details

11 Cockpit

12 Beam Port Panels

13 Lights & Clean Up

14 Renders

11 Your final deliverable will be 4-6 different rendered still images of both your alien and your flying saucer models. You may include both the alien and the saucer in the same renders as described in the final video above, or you may keep them separate. Submit your 4-6 rendered still image files on UNM Canvas to Assignment 3.

Todo List
  • Module Instruction

    Review Module Written & Video Material
  • Quiz

    Complete Quiz 3 on
    UNM Canvas
  • Assignment

    Complete the Alien and Saucer Modeling Assignment #3 and submit on
    UNM Canvas