The production pipeline is the process through which the production of a film or animation is produced. Each of the steps in the pipeline is tracked and managed to the level based on the scope of the project.
The best way to visualize a pipeline and ensure it is being executed effectively is through the planning and tracking of inputs and ouputs. Each block in the pipeline should have a clear input and clear output.
The input could be a digital asset, a movie clip, picture, document, spreadsheet, script file, 3D model, simulation, etc. When the pipeline is developed and controlled in this way each of the blocks can have people or teams who can focus on taking their input, running their processes on it and producing their output for the next block in the pipeline.
It is also worth mentioning that each block in the pipeline also very likely has its own more granular process in and of itself. For instance animators will take the script, voice track, storyboards, and animatics and go through the process of blocking -> splining -> polishing. Animators will iterate over that process before producing their final output of a fully animated scene with baked keys as the Animation Pipeline Block Output
If you really get jazzed about creating, planning, managing and executing pipeline processes you should probably look into getting into production and even into becoming a film or vfx producer. The job of the producer is to drive this crazy machine and ensure that all the parts stay well oiled such that the final film output makes everyone equally happy and un-happy at the same time
Let's take a look at a pretty decent pipeline overview flowchart to see what we have been discussing
2 Your final deliverable will be the compressed movie file of your animated solar system. The instructions for producing this file are at the end of the solar system tutorial. Submit your movie file on UNM Canvas to Assignment 2.